BitDefender Names Top 10 Malware Threats
The research arm of security vendor BitDefender Friday released its list of the top 10 malware threats for September, which revealed that hackers are now crafting attacks that are narrower in focus in order to avoid detection.
"Malware writers seem to have found out that discretion is the better part of valor and are striving to produce stealthy custom viruses that will do what's required of them and no more, to avoid early detection by antivirus companies," said Viorel Canja, head of BitDefender Labs, in a statement. Researchers from BitDefender were not available for further comment.
Several new threats made the list, including the Ice.a worm, which includes a file infection component and a download component, as well as the worm, which the report identified as the most virulent of the newcomers. It spreads by creating copies of itself and also attempts to disable security software.
Threats that made the list accounted for 64 percent of all detected malware, researchers said.
Here are the top threats for September, along with the percentage of detections they represent:
BitDefender's September 2007 Top 10 Malware
1. win32.worm.p2p.puce.g (11.1%)
2. worm.rjump.k (10.3%)
3. (8.4%)
4. win32.netsky.p@mm (6.3%)
5. (6.1%)
6. win32.worm.rjump.b (5.2%)
7. worm.vbs.solow.a (4.8%)
8. win32.worm.vb.ymeak.a (4.4%)
9. (3.9%)
10. worm.rjump.j (3.5%)