CA Launches Enterprise Anti-Spyware Software

ETrust PestPatrol Anti-Spyware r5 was released Monday and is immediately available to all CA channel partners. Pricing starts at $39.95 per seat.

According to George Kafkarkou, vice president of worldwide channel operations at CA, Islandia, N.Y., the tool detects tens of thousands of forms of malware, including spyware, adware, Trojans, denial-of-service attack agents and other backdoor Web-based threats, safeguarding PCs from unauthorized access, information theft and diminished system performance.

"This product will significantly enable solution providers to build trust with their customers and protect them against some of the most dangerous attacks," Kafkarkou said. "With it, we're attacking spyware and other versions of malware head on."

CA acquired much of this functionality when it purchased PestPatrol in August, according to Kafkarkou. The product enables solution providers to help customers schedule scans and automatic updates to protect them from the latest threats as they are discovered. Developers can use the solution's toolkit to develop new products as well.

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In addition, eTrust PestPatrol incorporates additional functionality from CA's eTrust product line, which predominantly provides antivirus protection. It also is backed by the CA Security Advisor, which provides vulnerability and configuration research and protection against malicious code.

Among resellers, all of this spyware fighting capability has turned some heads. Valeh Nazemoff, president of DataTech Enterprises, Fredericksburg, Va., said the tool is so sophisticated that many of his customers don't even realize when the solution is doing its job.

"Administrators are able to scan and clean their workstations and networks without interrupting the end user, [or even without the end user's] knowledge," he said. "We are seeing an increased demand for protection of this kind, and [the solution] complements our clients' needs by detecting and removing these threats."

Steve Palange, president and CEO of TLIC Worldwide, Wakefield, R.I., agreed, adding that the PestPatrol product may help CA gain significant market share against Symantec, McAfee and other security companies that have dominated the desktop market for years.

In the past two months alone, Palange said he's received more than 300 inquiries about spyware, and he plans to market the CA product to each and every one of those leads.

"CA historically has not been known for its visionary strategic initiatives, but the move to fight spyware is a great one," he said. "If they play their cards right, this is a move from which all of us will benefit."