Partner Program Doubleheader

Endforce's Enterprise software enables customers to define end-point security policies and assess and enforce compliance with those policies.

Vernier, Mountain View, Calif., offers an Adaptive Security Platform (ASP) that protects wired and wireless end points from attacks, resolves intrusions and adapts network security policies to protect against future threats.

Both companies have also named new channel chiefs. Vernier last month named Eric Colardas as vice president of business development. He formerly held the same title at FaceTime Communications. At Dublin, Ohio-based Endforce, Zachary Kilpatrick recently took over as director of business development.

"The market is aware of threats out there, and they understand that only a handful of products will prevent them," said Kilpatrick, who previously headed up the channel effort at Zone Labs. "It's our mission to use the channel to help customers secure their end points once and for all," he said.

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Endforce launched its channel program with six western U.S. VARs, eschewing the common multitier model for what Kilpatrick calls a "grass-roots model" of equality among partners.

The company's direct-sales force will also be incented to take deals through the channel, he said.

Kevin Jackson, vice president of sales and operations at Corsa Network Technologies, a solution provider in Campbell, Calif., said Endforce is one of just a few vendors targeting the space, even though customers are looking for end-point security solutions.

"They fill a necessary niche in network access for us," Jackson said.

Vernier, meanwhile, is launching its three-tiered Vantage Partner program nationwide.

"The channel is critical to us," said Bethany Mayer, vice president of marketing at Vernier. "Down the road, this will become our primary mechanism for sales," she said.

The program features technical training and support, a monthly partner feedback session and an online discussion forum.

Bob Henley, vice president of business development at Networking Concepts, a solution provider in Columbia, Md., said he signed on for the promise of good margins and support from the get-go.

"In a lot of programs, you have to make a commitment and take a risk before you see the reward in the form of discounts," Henley said. "With Vernier, you have the right position to be profitable from the beginning, and that's a situation I really like."