New Sectigo CEO Kevin Weiss: The Channel Should Utilize ChatGPT

“I think the channel could utilize (ChatGBT) very, very nicely.” said Weiss. “It can make it very effective for end users to be able to absorb what they need as opposed to what the mass audience needs.”

Metaverse who? That‘s what new Sectigo CEO Kevin Weiss had to say on the global impact of ChatGPT compared with Mark Zuckerberg’s latest innovation.

Channel partners recently weighed in on what opportunities ChatGPT presents the channel, with some expecting role consolidation and others predicting companies trailing behind if they don‘t invest now.

In this latest instalment of CRN's UK’s video series - CEO Killer Questions - the December-appointed Sectigo CEO believes the channel, especially distributors, can utilize the transformative chatbot.

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“The channel in itself should care, not only because it‘s a major trend but there are good things that can be done with ChatGPT,” Weiss said.

“Think about creating messaging to customers. Or if you‘re a distributor, think about creating messages to certain kinds of partners, creating personas and really trying to target your messaging so that it’s appropriate.

“I think the channel could utilize this very, very nicely. It can make it very effective for end users to be able to absorb what they need as opposed to what the mass audience needs.

“But also there are some negative things that can come out of ChatGPT. This whole notion of being able to write malware, for example or the ability to write code and then propagate it among different languages. This is kind of scary.”

Keep an eye out on CRN UK for the full interview with Weiss to hear where the digital identity solutions provider wants to grow in Europe and how much it‘s aiming to increase its enterprise business by in 2023.

This article originally appeared on CRN’s sister site, CRN UK.