XChange Government Integrator Gets Under Way

The second annual XChange Government Integrator event has kicked off in Washington, D.C., drawing together more than 250 attendees who serve the public-sector market. Starting out this morning, Symantec provided qualified solution providers and systems integrators with an exclusive tour of its Security Operations Center (SOC) in Alexandria, Va. -- one of only five worldwide.

Through Friday, solution providers and systems integrators will participate in education and networking opportunities, attending various sessions focusing on federal, state and local government, education and health care, and one-on-one meetings with vendors seeking partners to help drive market growth. The final session Friday afternoon will feature Karen Evans, administrator of E-Government and Information Technology at the Office of Management and Budget.

In addition to education and networking, attendees will enjoy the 2006 GovernmentVAR Awards Reception (www.varbusiness.com/sections/governmentvar/2006govtvar\_award.jhtml) Thursday evening, which honors solution providers who have demonstrated an understanding of the various segments of the market and the vendors that provide programs to help drive that success.

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