How EMC Retains Acquired Talent
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EMC has made headlines with itsgigantic Dell deal,and the company is no stranger to mergers and acquisitions. EMC CEO Joseph Tucci said that through all of the M&A deals EMC has made as a company, keeping talent on from those companies is a top consideration.
’You want to acquire smaller companies that have huge futures, and you want to retain talent,’ Tucci said.
Tucci used NetWitness as an example of a successfully executed acquisition, a company through which EMC gained its current RSA president, Amit Yoran. Tucci asked Yoran to estimate how many NetWitness employees stayed on the team years after EMC bought the company.
’On the engineering side I would say that’s probably about 70 percent,’ Yoran said.
’Most of our competitors, if they retain 25 percent, they’re happy,’ Tucci said as a comparison.
Tucci said the biggest difference that EMC makes is an effort to let young, entrepreneurial-minded talent join and change the EMC "family."
’This is really a young person’s game,’ Tucci said.