Would Sun Consider Building PCs? Schwartz Answers The Question

Now that Solaris-on-Intel development is underway, a question that pops into mind is this:

If Dell and HP are considering pre-installed Linux PCs, and Apple is seeing momentum around the Mac-on-Intel platform, what about Sun Microsystems? The company has become friendly with "industry standard" technology from Advanced Micro Devices and now Intel, it's contributing to what it hopes will be a robust OpenSolaris platform, and it has given birth to OpenOffice.org and developed StarOffice platforms as well.

And, after all, it appears the hot talk of 2007 is about the Non-Microsoft PC.

I sent Sun CEO Jonathan Schwartz a quick email asking,

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He responded:

Rivals like Dell and Microsoft might be showing some vulnerability on the desktop PC, but it doesn't appear Sun would get into the business unless there was a clearer synergy with its existing plan.