2014 Women of the Channel

This year, CRN honors 340 Women of the Channel whose expertise and vision are deserving of recognition.

5 Life And Business Lessons From 9/11 Survivor Lauren Manning

Life deals all kinds of blows, but how you deal with it is what matters. For Lauren Manning, that was not only true as she worked hard to build a successful career on Wall Street, but also has she fought for her life after suffering severe injuries on September 11.

Rose Fass: Change The Conversation To Get The Change You Want In Your Career

If you want to create change in your career, you have to start changing the conversation. Here's some advice from a Women of the Channel keynote speaker on how to do it.

Women Of The Channel Tackle Work-Life Balance

Take a look at some advice from top-level Women Of The Channel executives on how to handle work-life balance.

20 Scenes From CRN's Women Of The Channel West

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The inaugural Women of the Channel West conference brought together high-ranking channel executives looking to inspire, learn from their peers on how to take their careers to the next level.

Staying Serious About Social Media Strategy

Social media expert Jackie Funk held a breakout session at last week's Women of the Channel West and offered tips on how companies can sharpen their social media strategies.

Use Your Brain And Win In Business

Holly Green, CEO of The Human Factor, offered her tips and tricks for female executives to sharpen their leadership and decision-making skills at CRN's Women of the Channel West event.

2014 Success Tips: Overcome Fears, Bolster Your Brand

Riverbed's Michele Hayes and Avnet's Therese Bassett shared their thoughts at last week's Women of the Channel event on what it takes to grow personally and professionally.

The Value Of A Good Mentor

CRN speaks with Women of the Channel executives about the mentoring programs at their companies and the many professional—and personal—rewards.

IT Execs Get Candid On Career Successes, Failures

A group of executives from Google, Symantec, FirstRain and VMware dished on lessons learned and thoughts on leadership during a panel at CRN's Women of the Channel West event.

My Favorite Charity

CRN's 2014 Women of the Channel are passionate about charity. Here are some of their favorite charitable causes.

The Best Career Advice I Ever Got

Many of the top female channel executives will gather this week in San Francisco for The Channel Company's inaugural Women of the Channel West event on June 11. Here, attendees of December's Women of the Channel Winter Workshop in New York discuss the best piece of advice they had received during their career.

My Female Role Model

CRN asked this year's Women of the Channel to identify their female role models and their answers were as varied as the honorees themselves.

WOTC Panel On Challenges, Specialization And Building Perfect Channel Programs

Take a look at what top executives had to say about what makes a channel program successful.

Making The Short List: How Today's IT Buyer Is Turning Marketing On Its Head

HP's Lynn Anderson says technology organizations are facing a new normal when it comes to the buying habits of today's IT customers.

9 Steps To Bring Together CMO, CIO For Big Data Success

With both the CMO and CIO looking to take control of big data, take a look at nine steps to get the two execs to work together for success.

4 Leadership Qualities Women Need To Develop Right Now

Sally Helgesen, author of " The Female Vision: Women’s Real Power at Work," has found over her 25 years of experience that the most successful women have four things in common.

Power 50 Solution Providers

The Power 50 Solution Providers is culled from the ranks of CRN's Women of the Channel and spotlights those female executives whose insight and influence in their respective companies help drive channel success.

Power 100: The Most Powerful Women Of The Channel (Part 1)

The Power 100 is culled from the ranks of CRN's Women of the Channel and spotlights those female executives whose insight and influence in their respective companies help drive channel success.

Power 100: (Part 2)

Here's Part 2 of our list of female executives whose insight and influence help drive channel success.


The inaugural Channel Up-And-Comers is culled from the ranks of CRN's Women of the Channel and gives special recognition to rising-star female executives.

Diversity In Technology Channel Isn't Fixed Yet, But Making Progress

While the data for diversity in technology isn't that promising, Women of the Channel executives said they are optimistic for a turnaround.

My First Job

CRN asked this year's Women of the Channel honorees to share tales of how they got their start. Here's a look at some of the first jobs held by the 2014 Women of the Channel and the wisdom they gained from them.

How To Take Risks And Embrace Your Fears

Rather than letting your fear of failure paralyze you, Riverbed's Michele Hayes suggests embracing failure and turning it to your advantage.

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