AllCloud Says AWS ‘Knocking Down Walls’ To Boost AI And Data Via Partnerships

‘AWS is knocking down walls between our other partners Snowflake and Salesforce—those walls are just coming down faster than ever,’ says Gabriel Romero, global head of alliances and CMO at AWS partner AllCloud.


Amazon Web Services partner AllCloud is pumped about the customer opportunities ahead as AWS elevates its partnerships with former competitors, such as Snowflake, in a move to provide true business outcomes from data analytics in the AI era.

“AWS is knocking down walls between our other partners Snowflake and Salesforce—those walls are just coming down faster than ever,” said Gabriel Romero, global head of alliances and CMO at AllCloud. “They’re working together. They’re encouraging their customers to work together. So that’s something that we’re seeing for ourselves in terms of growth and positioning ourselves to play a big role in between those three strategic partners because they’re not even frenemies anymore. They are working together quite well.”

In the artificial intelligence era, Romero said customers need all their data pulled together to truly solve business challenges and provide successful outcomes. He added that it’s not just AWS making these efforts to drive collaboration for customers, but Snowflake and Salesforce as well.

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“You have a ton of data in Salesforce. There’s a ton of data in AWS. You need data in a place where you can pull everything together and actually use it so that you can make business decisions and have a true impact on business challenges,” said Romero.

“Our customers are now looking at connecting that front office and that back office and making sure that they have all the data pulled together,” he said. “We’re seeing a lot of people come to us saying, ‘I need GenAI to solve this. I need machine learning to solve that.’ We say, ‘You need to get your data in order.’”

AWS Boost Snowflake And Salesforce Partnerships

This year, AWS significantly deepened its partnership with cloud data specialist Snowflake, which competed heavily against AWS just a few years ago.

In 2023, the two companies launched a multiyear partnership expansion to drive customer-focused joint innovation across sales and marketing, industry solutions, product integrations and more.

“Over the past three years, Snowflake and AWS have quickly created what we believe may be one of the most successful technology co-sell partnerships in cloud computing,” said Snowflake CEO Frank Slootman (pictured) when unveiling the news in March.

AWS CEO Adam Selipsky said data is at the center of every application, process and business decision and is the cornerstone of digital transformation. “Working alongside Snowflake, we are unlocking new value for thousands of customers around the world and helping them maximize their data investments,” Selipsky said this year about the revamped partnership.

In September, AWS enhanced its Salesforce partnership by expanding its integrations between the Salesforce Data Cloud and AWS.

The new Salesforce integrations build on the companies’ generative AI relationship, with the goal of allowing customers to seamlessly and securely unify their data across Data Cloud and services like Amazon Redshift and Amazon EMR.

AWS Building ‘The Ultimate Tool Chest’ For Generative AI

In the AI industry, AWS is forming alliances with some of the biggest players like Nvidia as well as startups, such as recently unveiling a massive $4 billion investment in AI superstar Anthropic. “We continue to build the ultimate tool chest to help customers scale generative AI,” said Selipsky last month.

AllCloud said AWS’ vendor partnership strategy provides a differentiated customer experience by giving businesses a holistic view of their data that can have a big positive impact.

“Everybody is hot on data analytics right now. They know they need data to make real decisions,” said AllCloud’s Romero. “Everybody says, ‘OK, I need GenAI because it’s going to solve these business challenges that I have.’ We look in and say, ‘OK, we need to actually start with the basic infrastructure of your data and analytics. You have to have all your data sources on the cloud in a way that you can access the data and use the data effectively.’”

AllCloud Customer 360 Solutions

AllCloud recently launched a Customer 360 Practice aimed at harnessing the power of AWS, Snowflake and Salesforce.

The company’s Customer 360 solutions help customers make sense of the mountains of data they collect, offering an integrated view of their organization to provide impactful data insight into the business as well as predict what’s ahead.

“When you start putting all this data together, it really starts to tell you a good story of, ‘This is what’s happening with my customers,’” said Romero. “And it’s not just for the individual customer. It starts predicting things like, ‘Customers that do this typically means this is the next thing they’re going to buy. This is next thing that they’re looking at. This is the future of what they’re looking at,’” he added.

“It’s a very, very different mindset and gives us the ability to really get a good view of our customers and their business overall,” Romero said.

AWS’ partnership strategy of deepening relationships with former competitors opens up more sales opportunity for AllCloud and its Customer 360 offerings.

“It’s not as one-to-one as it used to be. It’s not SIs [system integrators] over here and ISVs [independent software vendors] over here. We are working with ISVs and AWS together to deliver something that has the power of all three of us. That’s something that we’re really working on ourselves,” Romero said. “And AWS is encouraging that quite a bit.”